The Texas Law Hawk

 In Business Marketing, Things We Love

How many lawyer commercials have you seen in your lifetime?

How many featured a hawk or an eagle? Now, how many of those commercials have stuck with you for hours, days… or even weeks?

Not many, probably – but that’s all about to change! Meet the Texas Law Hawk.

We LOVE this video for so many reasons:

  • It’s memorable,
  • It’s funny
  • It includes useful information
  • It has clear calls-to-action
  • It’s geared towards a specific audience
  • It’s infused (screaming?) with personality
  • And if the intention was to make a commercial that stands out from the crowd of button-down, pinstripe-suited lawyers – then it wins. Big time!

Bryan E. Wilson is a native Texan who graduated from Texas Tech and is a criminal defense attorney in Ft. Worth. His nickname in law school was “The Texas Hawk,” and the 29-year-old incorporated its variant into his advertising as soon as he launched his professional career.

Wilson’s commercial received more than 1.2 million views on Youtube in less than a month, and googling his name results in pages of news stories and articles.

Not bad!

Now, being the direct-response marketers we are, we wondered if these commercials resulted in actual new clients and business. From our perspective, that’s what matters most.

The answer? Yes indeed.

According to a recent interview, Wilson received nearly 400 new voice messages and booked a number of new clients within a few days of posting the commercial. Now that’s what we call measurable results!

Do we recommend that every lawyer (or business owner, for that matter) take the “Texas Law Hawk”-approach to advertising? Of course not.

But we do recommend infusing your marketing with your personality. It’s your personality that makes clients want to work with you, invest in your services, and recommend you to their friends and family.

So here’s to the Texas Law Hawk for standing out from the crowd and making a splash in the sea of humdrum lawyer advertising. We can’t wait to see your next commercial, Bryan E. Wilson, Esq. – and we all know who to call if we’re ever busted in Ft. Worth!

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